When methodologies clash in search of the truth.
Capsule Review: Music Preferences and Minor Delinquency
Does listening to certain types of music presage later adolescent delinquent behavior?
Capsule Review: Prelude: Music Makes Us
A baseline report on Music Makes Us, a public-private initiative in Metro Nashville public schools to improve music education.
Capsule Review: Effects of a School-Based Instrumental Music Program on Verbal and Visual Memory in Primary School Children
25 German primary School students showed an increase in verbal memory after taking instrumental music lessons for 18 months.
The Turtles Shake Up the Digital Music Industry (and other October stories)
The Turtles (“So Happy Together”) are the unlikely beneficiaries of a ruling that could lead to new protections for performers in sound recordings made prior to 1972.
Changes to Federal Rules for Nonprofits (and other July stories)
Policymakers approve budgets for the NEA and NEH and consider a number of changes to rules governing charitable donations, while the IRS makes it easier for small organizations to secure nonprofit status.
Around the horn: Slovyansk edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT In a reversal, the FCC has drafted new net neutrality rules that critics claim are unworthy of the name: they would allow broadband companies to provide a “fast lane” for content providers willing to pay a “commercially reasonable” fee. The FCC’s public comment period opens on May 15. Related: if theRead More
Models and Trends in International Arts Exchange
While living in China, I befriended a Japanese classmate who spoke no English. I spoke no Japanese, but we both spoke Chinese—and more importantly, we both played guitar. Our connection to music served as the foundation of friendship. She taught me to play Japanese rock songs, and I memorized the lyrics to harmonize with her. Read More
Around the horn: Philip Seymour Hoffman edition
A couple of items of personal interest for Createquity followers: first, Fractured Atlas has released two new research studies, both co-authored by Createquity’s Ian David Moss; and second, our superstar Createquity Fellow Alicia Akins is leaving her job at the Traditional Arts and Ethnology Centre in Laos soon to come back to the United StatesRead More
Around the horn: Madiba edition
Don’t forget about the Createquity Fellowship deadline coming up this Friday! ART AND THE GOVERNMENT The value of the creative sector to the U.S. economy? Half a trillion dollars. The value of the Bureau of Economic Analysis’s official inclusion of our sector in its GDP analysis? Priceless. Responses from the field have been mixed. Some areRead More