Trumpcare and the budget proposal dominated the news, plus Disney’s “gay moment.”
Around the horn: Slovyansk edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT In a reversal, the FCC has drafted new net neutrality rules that critics claim are unworthy of the name: they would allow broadband companies to provide a “fast lane” for content providers willing to pay a “commercially reasonable” fee. The FCC’s public comment period opens on May 15. Related: if theRead More
Around the horn: Big Papi edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Glenn Beck is at it again: the right-wing broadcaster recently attacked the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture along with the Imagining America initiative on his Internet show, The Blaze. Far from a government agency, the USDAC is a “citizen-powered” art project that hasn’t received any public funding to date. Not one to be deterred by facts, Beck claimsRead More
Around the Horn: Marian McPartland edition
Compiled by Talia Gibas, Daniel Reid, Lindsey Cosgrove, Jena Lee, and Ian David Moss ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Australia is relatively fresh off the adoption of a national cultural policy, and with that policy come calls for new ways to measure culture’s intrinsic value. Fractured Atlas has created a simple but useful infographic explaining what ObamaCare meansRead More
The Potential of Partnerships in Arts and Healthcare
Networking our way to better health in communities.