A US study find that foundation contributions decrease as organizations’ audiences and web viewerships grow.
Capsule Review: Critical Thinking
How much of students’ critical thinking is impacted by a museum field trip – and how much stems from the arts-based nature of the experience?
Capsule Review: Taking Charge at Museums
DC Research Ltd studies the effects of charging or not charging for admission at UK museums – and of changing a museum’s policy toward charging – on attendance, visitor diversity, funding, visitor experience, and institutional relationships.
Capsule Review: The Impacts of Culture & Sport
What are the relationships between cultural engagement, sports participation, and social wellbeing? A recent study sheds light.
Capsule Review: Culture Urban Future
The UNESCO report provides a global overview of the role played by culture in developing thriving cities.
Capsule Review: Growing Up in Ireland
This study’s longitudinal design shows how incremental arts benefits add up over time in the lives of Irish children.
Capsule review: Culture, Cities, and Identity in Europe
A pan-European report seeks to trace the relationship between culture and cities.
Capsule Review: Standing for Cultural Democracy
This report epitomizes both the value and the limitations of the USDAC’s participatory approach to policy development.
Capsule Review: An Act of Collective Imagination
“An Act of Collective Imagination” offers an example of a novel method by which to crowdscource areas of policy concern and policy ideas.
Capsule Review: Understanding the Contributions of the Humanities to Human Development
The HULA research team proposes a theoretical and methodological framework for understanding and assessing the contributions of the humanities to human development.
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