The arts sustain their first direct hit in the global war on terror, and more.
A New Front in the Culture Wars (and other November stories)
November 13 attacks further establish cultural venues as potential terrorist targets.
Charitable Giving on the Rise (and other June Stories)
Charitable donations to arts and culture in 2014 rose by 9.2%.
Around the horn: Donald Sterling edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT The IRS has proposed a new Form 1023-EZ, which would allow some smaller organizations to apply for tax-exempt status with much less hassle. The National Association of State Charity Officials has objected out of a belief that completing the longer form is an important educational experience and a fear that applicationsRead More
Around the horn: Slovyansk edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT In a reversal, the FCC has drafted new net neutrality rules that critics claim are unworthy of the name: they would allow broadband companies to provide a “fast lane” for content providers willing to pay a “commercially reasonable” fee. The FCC’s public comment period opens on May 15. Related: if theRead More