A nationwide study indicates that peer networks and mission identity are key.
When Artistic Education Matters
Arts degrees don’t seem to have much impact on income from the arts. But do they affect how long people stay in the field?
Looking Down Under for Cross-Cultural Arts Marketing Insights
An Australian report explores the complex challenges of wooing audiences for First Nations performing arts.
The Kids Are All Right? Lessons from Growing Up in Ireland
An Arts Council report links cultural activities and reading for pleasure with children’s cognitive growth and wellbeing.
Cultural Policy for the People
The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture* (*not an actual federal agency) wants to draft citizen artists into service for a better-functioning democracy.
What Can Humanities do for Humankind?
A recent study examines the role of humanities and “craft practices” in human development.
“What Works” in Arts and Culture Policy?
A UK government evaluation initiative puts public policies to the test – and the arts don’t get a pass.
Does Creating Art Make People Happier?
A study from Vanderbilt’s Curb Center makes a case for the benefits of active arts participation.
Taking Art into Their Own Hands
Audiences who won’t visit your museum may be enthusiastic amateur artists in their spare time.
Are you better off today than you were 15 years ago?
When methodologies clash in search of the truth.