In fact, the best evidence we have of the arts’ impact is that they make older adults feel better.
Notes to “Making Sense of Cultural Equity”
ENDNOTES The following notes accompany our feature article Making Sense of Cultural Equity, published on August 31, 2016: (1) (Some) cultural equity pioneers Our goal with this article is not to present a detailed history of the movement for cultural equity. Still, there are many artists, activists and arts institutions who have contributed significantly to this movement,Read More
Making Sense of Cultural Equity
When visions of a better future diverge, how do we choose a path forward?
Research Progress Update
Our latest investigation examines the wellbeing benefits that have been claimed for arts participation, and the evidence supporting those claims.
Core Research Process Update
Cultural equity wraps up, a second look at wellbeing, and getting serious about research synthesis.
Core Research Process Update: April 2016
Our investigations of the history of the arts ecosystem and the labor market for artists and creative entrepreneurs have moved to the article-writing phase.
Core Research Process Update
Our research on the history of the arts ecosystem continues with our investigation of the expanding definition of the arts and the recent history of support and recognition for artists of color. We have decided to focus this research on the period covering 1980-today, with an emphasis on trends related to equity and multiculturalismRead More
Capsule Review: Quality of Life Indexes for National Policy
This article identifies seven domains of quality of life shared across many indexes. But where is culture?
Core Research Process Update: February 2016
This month, we began a new research investigation in the arts and economic disadvantage research area into how artists make a living. We are examining the barriers that economically disadvantaged people face when pursuing “scarce” opportunities in the arts to become artists. We have agreed upon research questions and completed an initial scan for literatureRead More
Who Will Be the Next Arts Revolutionary?
The story of how the nonprofit arts sector got started offers would-be changemakers some clues.