This summer we have returned to the topic of the arts and wellbeing. Our previous work in this area served as an introduction to wellbeing (and its importance to the arts) for us and our readers. Our current investigation focuses more directly on the following research questions:
- What are the wellbeing-related outcomes that have been theorized to be related to arts activities?
- For each of those outcomes, what is the state of the evidence about the relationship?
For this investigation we are reviewing literature reviews on aspects of this topic, as well as major theoretical works about the mechanisms through which the arts improve wellbeing. We are also continuing to consider if the term quality of life is a better fit for our work in this area instead of wellbeing. (If you have an opinion, your input is very welcome).
Below is our current list of resources we are reviewing.
Arts Council England. (2014) The Value of Arts and Culture to People and Society: An Evidence Review. Retrieved from
Arts Midwest, & Metropolitan Group. (2015). Creating Connection: Research Findings and Proposed Message Framework to Build Public Will for Arts and Culture. Retrieved from
Brown, A. (2006). An Architecture of Value. GIA Reader, 17(1). Retrieved from
Carnwath, J. D., & Brown, A. S. (2014). Understanding the Value and Impacts of Cultural Experiences: A Literature Review. WolfBrown and Arts Council England. Retrieved from
Crossick, G., & Kaszynska, P. (2016). Understanding the Value of Arts and Culture: The AHRC Cultural Value Project. United Kingdom: Arts & Humanities Research Council.
Wolf, D. (2016). Why Making Music Matters. WolfBrown and Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute. Retrieved from
Development Services Group, Inc. (2016). Arts-Based Programs and Arts Therapies for At-Risk, Justice-Involved, and Traumatized Youths. Washington, D.C.: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Retrieved from
Fujiwara, D. (2013). Museum’s and Happiness: The Value of Participating in Museums and the Arts (The Happy Museum). Retrieved from
Fujiwara, D., Kudrna, L., & Dolan, P. (2014a). Quantifying and Valuing the Wellbeing Impacts of Culture and Sport. Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Retrieved from
Fujiwara, D., Kudrna, L., & Dolan, P. (2014b). Quantifying the Social Impacts of Culture and Sport. Department of Culture, Media and Sport. Retrieved from
Jackson, M. R., & Herranz, J. (2002). Culture Counts in Communities: A Framework for Measurement (Research Report). The Urban Institute. Retrieved from
Jackson, M. R., Kabwasa-Green, F., & Herranz, J. (2006). Cultural Vitality in Communities: Interpretation and Indicators. The Urban Institute. Retrieved from
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. (2010). Soul of the Community – Overall Findings. Retrieved from
Jones, S. (2010). Culture shock. London: Demos.
Guetzkow, J. (2002). How the Arts Impact Communities: An introduction to the literature on arts impact studies. Presented at the Taking the Measure of Culture Conference, Princeton University: Princeton University Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies. Retrieved from
Stern, M., & Seifert, S. (2007). Culture and Urban Revitalization: A Harvest Document. University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved from
Matarasso, F. (1997). Use or Ornament? The Social Impact of Participation in the Arts. Comedia.
McCarthy, K., Ondaatje, E., Zakaras, L., Brooks, A., & RAND. (2004). Gifts of the Muse: Reframing the Debate About the Benefits of the Arts (p. 104). RAND. Retrieved from
Medeiros, K. de, & Basting, A. (2014). “Shall I Compare Thee to a Dose of Donepezil?”: Cultural Arts Interventions in Dementia Care Research. The Gerontologist, 54(3), 344–353.
Menzer, M. (2015). The Arts in Early Childhood: Social and Emotional Benefits of Participation. National Endowment for the Arts. Retrieved from
National Endowment for the Arts. (2012). How Art Works. Retrieved from
National Endowment for the Arts. (2013). The Arts and Aging: Building the Science.
Noice, T., Noice, H., & Kramer, A. F. (2013). Participatory Arts for Older Adults: A Review of Benefits and Challenges. The Gerontologist, gnt138.
Scottish Government, S. A. H. (2006, January). Quality of Life and Well-being: Measuring the Benefits of Culture and Sport: Literature Review and Thinkpiece. Retrieved January 24, 2015, from
Sen, A. (n.d.). How does culture matter?’. In V. Rao & M. Walton (Eds.), Culture and Public Action. Stanford UP.
Stern, M. J., & Seifer, S. C. (2013). Cultural Ecology, Neighborhood Vitality, and Social Wellbeing – A Philadelphia Project. University of Pennsylvania Social Impact of the Arts Project (SIAP).
Tepper, S. (2014). Artful living: Examining the relationship between artistic practice and subjective wellbeing across three national surveys. The Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy at Vanderbilt University. Retrieved from
The National Endowment for the Arts. (2011). The Arts and Human Development. Retrieved from
Topos Partnership for the Fine Arts Fund. (n.d.). The Arts Ripple Effect: A Research-Based Strategy to Build Shared Responsibility for the Arts. Retrieved from
Urban Institute. (n.d.). The Validating Arts & Livability Indicators (VALI) Study: Results and Recommendations. Retrieved January 23, 2015, from
WolfBrown & The National Endowment for the Arts. (n.d) Audience Impact Study Literature Review. Retrieved from