Two of Canada’s top literary magazine editors are out of a job after a call for a “Cultural Appropriation Prize.”
Est-ce Que Nous Sommes Tous Charlie? (and other January stories)
This month’s attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo raises questions about freedom of speech, the role of satire in conflict, and the context for art.
The Turtles Shake Up the Digital Music Industry (and other October stories)
The Turtles (“So Happy Together”) are the unlikely beneficiaries of a ruling that could lead to new protections for performers in sound recordings made prior to 1972.
Around the horn: Slovyansk edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT In a reversal, the FCC has drafted new net neutrality rules that critics claim are unworthy of the name: they would allow broadband companies to provide a “fast lane” for content providers willing to pay a “commercially reasonable” fee. The FCC’s public comment period opens on May 15. Related: if theRead More
Late summer public arts funding update
FEDERAL More than nine months after former chair Rocco Landesman announced he was stepping down, the search for a new National Endowment for the Arts chairperson has stalled – just in time for the fall budget debates to ramp up in earnest. Sphinx Organization founder and president Aaron Dworkin confirms in the article that he was one of theRead More
The Deduction for Charitable Contributions: The Sacred Cow of the Tax Code?
Reforming the deduction on charitable contributions isn’t necessarily a bad thing for the arts.
April public arts funding update
FEDERAL After a long lull, we’re starting to see some action on the arts and related topics at the federal level. First, the House and Senate have passed a continuing resolution enshrining the “sequester” cuts in the rest of Fiscal Year 2013, meaning that the National Endowment for the Arts and other federal agencies are sustaining aRead More
Around the horn: fiscal cliff edition
A friendly reminder that the deadline for the Createquity Writing Fellowship is noon Eastern time on Tuesday, January 8. All it takes is a 250-word statement of interest to get started. Look forward to reading your submissions! ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Three perspectives on the fiscal cliff deal: from Nonprofit Quarterly; from Americans for the Arts; fromRead More
Around the horn: Rick Perry edition
TOP NEWS The National Endowment for the Arts has spearheaded the formation of a new coalition of private funders to support its creative placemaking agenda. Called ArtPlace, the collaboration features Carol Coletta as its fearless leader, and has the backing of such significant national funders as the Ford, Knight, Kresge, Rockefeller, and Mellon Foundations. GrantsRead More
Around the horn: Bake sale edition
Last weekend, I visited NYC and checked out some new music concerts for the first time in a while. The first, on Friday night, was the first-ever New Music Bake Sale presented by Newspeak and Ensemble de Sade, a raucous affair with five hours of music, well over a hundred attendees, tables for different organizationsRead More