All eyes are on how the new rule may affect workplace culture and personal wellbeing.
Around the horn: Slovyansk edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT In a reversal, the FCC has drafted new net neutrality rules that critics claim are unworthy of the name: they would allow broadband companies to provide a “fast lane” for content providers willing to pay a “commercially reasonable” fee. The FCC’s public comment period opens on May 15. Related: if theRead More
Around the horn: Madiba edition
Don’t forget about the Createquity Fellowship deadline coming up this Friday! ART AND THE GOVERNMENT The value of the creative sector to the U.S. economy? Half a trillion dollars. The value of the Bureau of Economic Analysis’s official inclusion of our sector in its GDP analysis? Priceless. Responses from the field have been mixed. Some areRead More
Around the horn: edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT A consortium of City of Detroit creditors have made the first legal move towards pressuring the Detroit Institute of Arts to sell city-owned artworks to help pay for debts owed. Executive Vice President Annemarie Erickson defends the museum against Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s demand that the museum find one way orRead More
Culture and Community Revitalization: the Executive Summary
(This is a bite-sized version of the much longer piece Arts Policy Library: Culture and Community Revitalization.) The Social Impact of the Arts Project, based at the University of Pennsylvania, was founded in 1994 with the intent of studying the connection between the arts and community life. Over time, SIAP has established mechanisms to helpRead More
Arts Policy Library: Culture and Community Revitalization
(For a much briefer version of this analysis, please see the Executive Summary.) SUMMARY The Social Impact of the Arts Project, based at the University of Pennsylvania, was founded in 1994 with the intent of studying the connection between the arts and community life. After all, “if the arts and culture do, in fact, haveRead More
Watching Gentrification Unfurl
Cultural, civic, and private sector forces are on display in the evolution of two New York City neighborhoods.
Artists and Gentrification: Sticky Myths, Slippery Realities
The role of artists as gentrifiers may be deeply entrenched in our imaginations, but the reality is not so simple.
Around the horn: Super Bowl edition
Createquity has had some milestones recently: in addition to reaching 3000 subscribers (woohoo!), for the first time, both authors of the research studies given the Arts Policy Library treatment recently have responded to the Createquity Writing Fellows in the comments. You can read Holly Sidford’s many-months-later perspective on “Fusing Arts, Culture, and Social Change” here,Read More
Around the horn: John Roberts edition
Astute readers will note that this edition is mostly comprised of links from the first half of June; I am a little behind in my curation and hope to catch up over the rest of this month. In the meantime, enjoy! MUSICAL CHAIRS Congratulations to Arts Marketing blogger Chad Bauman, who returns to Arena Stage asRead More