This month, it’s (mostly) all about the Benjamins.
Around the horn: edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT A consortium of City of Detroit creditors have made the first legal move towards pressuring the Detroit Institute of Arts to sell city-owned artworks to help pay for debts owed. Executive Vice President Annemarie Erickson defends the museum against Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s demand that the museum find one way orRead More
GIA 2013: Making Room for the New
I have now been to the Grantmakers in the Arts Conference five times. I sort of can’t believe I’m writing that — it simultaneously makes me feel old and very, very lucky. I’ve written about my experiences there now four of those five times; you can find my wrap-ups for 2009, 2010, 2011, and ofRead More
Around the horn: stop and frisk edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT The Future of Music Coalition has a great roundup of takeaways from a recent congressional hearing on copyright law and the technology sector. Big ones include the very different challenges posed by copyrights versus patents, and that for the most part, technology companies don’t see copyright restrictions as stifling their ability to innovate.Read More
Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change: the condensed version
This is a skin-and-bones summary of my full Arts Policy Library write up. Head that way for a much more thorough and nuanced discussion of “Fusing.” Holly Sidford’s “Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change: High Impact Strategies for Philanthropy” calls for a major overhaul in arts philanthropy in the United States. It argues that artsRead More
Arts Policy Library: Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change
Holly Sidford’s seminal report calls attention to longstanding inequities in arts funding.
Fuzzy Concepts, Proxy Data: Why Indicators Won’t Track Creative Placemaking Success
One of creative placemaking’s original champions explains why she can’t get behind the field’s latest measurement efforts.
The Art of “Having it All”
An exploration of the challenges and rewards mothers face in balancing work, family, and a creative life.
Art and Democracy: The NEA, Kickstarter, and Creativity in America
(This article was first published on NewMusicBox on April 4, 2012. I’m grateful to Molly Sheridan, Kevin Clark, and Frank J. Oteri for their helpful comments on previous drafts.) Every once in a blue moon, an arts policy story breaks into the mainstream media—and as with most poorly understood subjects, it’s usually for some profoundlyRead More
Occupy and the Arts: Curating by Consensus in Lower Manhattan
In late September 2011, I started following Occupy Wall Street’s (OWS’s) Arts and Culture committee with the goal of understanding, and critiquing, its organizational structures for a Createquity article. However, I soon found that the same way the movement as a whole resists neatly following one set of demands (though its anti-corporate greed and incomeRead More