(For the unabridged edition of this analysis, please read Arts Policy Library: The Artistic Dividend.) Ann Markusen and David King’s 2003 paper “The Artistic Dividend: The Arts’ Hidden Contributions to Regional Development” aims to reveal what economists typically miss when they measure the impact of the arts sector on regional economies. Summary Approach and MethodologyRead More
Arts Policy Library: The Artistic Dividend
(For a shorter edition of this analysis, please read the condensed version.) Ann Markusen and David King’s 2003 paper “The Artistic Dividend: The Arts’ Hidden Contributions to Regional Development” aims to reveal what economists typically miss when they measure the impact of the arts sector on regional economies. The authors describe the artistic dividend asRead More
Fuzzy Concepts, Proxy Data: Why Indicators Won’t Track Creative Placemaking Success
One of creative placemaking’s original champions explains why she can’t get behind the field’s latest measurement efforts.
Around the horn: Frequent Flyer edition
The NYC launch party for 20UNDER40 is taking place at Bar 13 (13th and University near Union Square) on Monday, December 13 from 6:30-8:30pm. Fractured Atlas is co-hosting. See you there? News and announcements In what is undoubtedly the highest-profile and most unusual merger of arts organizations since the Great Recession hit, Bill T. Jones/ArnieRead More
Creative Placemaking (and Panelmaking) with the NEA
(Originally posted at the Fractured Atlas blog.) Two weeks ago, I traveled down to DC to take in the “Creative Placemaking” discussion organized by the NEA and hosted by the Canadian Embassy. (Two of the panelists, Tim Jones of Artscape and Richard Florida of all things Richard Florida, are current residents of our neighbor nation to the north.)Read More