ART AND THE GOVERNMENT And, we try again: as expected, the FCC is proposing new net neutrality rules. They are similar to the previous rules, which were recently invalidated by a federal court, but depend on a different legal rationale. Those who are concerned the rules (old and new) do not go far enough toRead More
Fuzzy Concepts, Proxy Data: Why Indicators Won’t Track Creative Placemaking Success
One of creative placemaking’s original champions explains why she can’t get behind the field’s latest measurement efforts.
Introducing a new $800 million arts foundation
Oh, if only if it were a real $800 million arts foundation! Instead, I refer to the Ortiz Foundation for the Arts, a project for my excellent Philanthropic Foundations class that just wrapped up last week. As anyone who’s read my Thoughts on Effective Philanthropy series knows, I’ve been interested in foundation strategy as itRead More
Commongood Careers
On Monday, I attended an excellent presentation by James Weinberg, the founder and CEO of Commongood Careers, an talent search firm for the nonprofit sector. The presentation was primarily geared toward career advice for us students, but it also provided some interesting insights about the industry as a whole. For example, did you know thatRead More