I really didn’t know what to expect when I came to business school in the fall of 2007. I had lived my whole post-college life in the nonprofit sector, and most of that time was spent hanging around musicians. I was brought up by two ex-hippies who, shall we say, did not exactly fit inRead More
Around the horn: MBA edition
Createquity began in October 2007 in large part as a vehicle for me to share the novel experience of business school from an artist’s and nontraditional student’s perspective. That experience ended today, as I officially received my Master of Business Administration degree from the Yale School of Management, but Createquity will live on. Though theRead More
A talk with Ford Foundation President Luis Ubiñas
This week, the philanthropy world was abuzz with the announcement of the Ford Foundation’s new program priorities, culminating a two-year self-assessment led by new President Luis Ubiñas. Back on March 31, Ubiñas spoke at a Leaders Forum event at the Yale School of Management. I was fortunate enough to attend both that talk and aRead More
Around the horn: OMG I’m almost done! edition
I realized late last week that I haven’t yet posted about the classes I’m taking in this, my final half-semester at Yale School of Management. Two are carrying over from earlier in the semester: my Recording Arts class in the Sound Design program at the Drama School, and my nonprofit law clinic in which weRead More
Around the horn: April Fool’s edition
Having returned from my sojourn out West and down South which included both a wedding and a bar mitzvah, I am now getting ready for the final eighth of my MBA adventure. I’ll share the final version of my course schedule once it’s finalized next week, but for now it looks like I’ll be pursuingRead More
Around the horn: Spring break edition
I (started to) write this on an American Airlines flight to the Left Coast, where I’ll be attending a wedding and visiting old friends for the next week. Hasn’t really felt like spring break so far, what with the job hunt in full blast, but I suppose I should count my blessings that I haveRead More
Fictional Foundation Fun, part IV
This week, I’ve been writing about the Ortiz Foundation for the Arts, a mock $800 million foundation based in New York, for which I designed a strategic plan along with four of my business school colleagues. Yesterday, I wrote about two of OFA’s programs, Building Infrastructure and Supporting Start-Ups. In this final segment, we’ll exploreRead More
Fictional Foundation Fun, part III
So, a few weeks ago while we were working on this project, I asked Adam Forest Huttler to post a question on the Fractured Atlas blog asking what types of bills artists find difficult to pay — either because of fundraising restrictions or because they’re just too expensive. My basic goal with this was toRead More
Fictional Foundation Fun, part II
So, yesterday we took a look at the $800 million Ortiz Foundation for the Arts (OFA), a hypothetical new organization focusing on promoting cultural vitality in New York City. After some discussion, we settled on a mission statement as follows: The Ortiz Foundation for the Arts (OFA) works to foster the visual, musical, theatrical, andRead More
Introducing a new $800 million arts foundation
Oh, if only if it were a real $800 million arts foundation! Instead, I refer to the Ortiz Foundation for the Arts, a project for my excellent Philanthropic Foundations class that just wrapped up last week. As anyone who’s read my Thoughts on Effective Philanthropy series knows, I’ve been interested in foundation strategy as itRead More