ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Joan Mondale, wife of former Vice President Walter Mondale and known to many as “Joan of Art” for her arts advocacy efforts, passed away February 3. After April 6, cracking jokes in the UK will become a little easier. A new UK regulation allows for the use of parts of original copyrightedRead More
GIA 2013: Making Room for the New
I have now been to the Grantmakers in the Arts Conference five times. I sort of can’t believe I’m writing that — it simultaneously makes me feel old and very, very lucky. I’ve written about my experiences there now four of those five times; you can find my wrap-ups for 2009, 2010, 2011, and ofRead More
Around the horn: General Sisi edition
Happy 4th of July! I’m going to be on vacation for the next couple of weeks, but Createquity is not. You’ll continue to see new posts and comments will be approved, albeit at a slower rate than usual. Don’t let the world blow up while I’m gone! ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Future of Music Coalition hasRead More
Around the horn: Big Brother edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT A lot of people are talking about the news that Detroit’s emergency fiscal manager is exploring whether the city-owned art on display at the Detroit Institute of Arts (which I visited for the first time just a few weeks ago) can be considered an asset in the event of a municipal bankruptcy.Read More
Around the horn: moment of silence edition
Going to be off the grid for the next little bit. Comments will be a little slow in getting posted. Back after next week! ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Who should be the next chair of the NEA? Barry Hessenius and Ray Mark Rinaldi trot out some possibilities. Penn Hill Group, which is working with Grantmakers in the Arts on federalRead More
Socially responsible investing
As a follow-up to last week’s rant, when I was in Israel we met with a company that produces healthcare IT solutions with the goal of making it easier for doctors and hospitals to transfer patient information quickly and accurately. A venture capital partner whose company provided much of the funding for the startup alsoRead More
Social Impact Investing with Sharon Oster
On Monday, November 5 (yeah, I know, I’m way behind), I attended a lecture on social impact investing with Sharon Oster, one of my econ teachers from last quarter and something of a celebrity on campus. Unfortunately, I had to miss the beginning for an Internship Fund meeting, but here’s what I learned from theRead More