The mega media company folded under pressure from lawmakers, other mega companies, and everyday Americans.
What Kind of Arts Education Does Workforce Development Require?
In early 2014, President Barack Obama addressed workers at a General Electric gas engine plant. “A lot of young people don’t see the trades and skilled manufacturing as a viable career,” he said, “but I promise you, folks can make a lot more… with skilled manufacturing or the trades than they might with an artRead More
Around the Horn: Sochi edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Joan Mondale, wife of former Vice President Walter Mondale and known to many as “Joan of Art” for her arts advocacy efforts, passed away February 3. After April 6, cracking jokes in the UK will become a little easier. A new UK regulation allows for the use of parts of original copyrightedRead More
Around the horn: A-Rod edition
(Assembled collaboratively by the Createquity editorial team) ART AND THE GOVERNMENT The US Bureau of Economic Analysis, following new international standards, has adjusted the official method for calculating GDP to “include the amount of money business invest in … intellectual property.” This involves some tough calls: development costs for hit TV shows with potential forRead More
Looking Beyond Our Borders for National Arts Education Policies
Do Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany and South Africa have something to teach us about teaching our kids?