What can we do to create an open environment for talking honestly about race relations in all of their kaleidoscopic, maddening, shame-inducing complexity?
Watching Gentrification Unfurl
Cultural, civic, and private sector forces are on display in the evolution of two New York City neighborhoods.
They’ve Got Something in Common: Sports, Cultural Institutions, and Building Booms
The U.S. has now entered an era of extremely expensive sports stadiums: the new Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY cost a cool billion dollars for example,while the new Vikings stadium in Minneapolis, MN is anticipated to be similarly priced. While reading up on the professional sports billion dollar building boom I couldn’t help but noticeRead More
Around the horn: moment of silence edition
Going to be off the grid for the next little bit. Comments will be a little slow in getting posted. Back after next week! ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Who should be the next chair of the NEA? Barry Hessenius and Ray Mark Rinaldi trot out some possibilities. Penn Hill Group, which is working with Grantmakers in the Arts on federalRead More
Around the horn: poolside edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Americans for the Arts hosted a blog salon last month on the Common Core State Standards (“the next big thing in education”) and what they mean for arts education. I particularly enjoyed former colleague Richard Kessler’s “Steal This Blog” entry. Quite interesting analysis from Barry Hessenius of possible future directions for local arts agencies.Read More
Around the horn: Santorum edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT – DOMESTIC Fractured Atlas officially comes out against the PROTECT-IP Act, also known as SOPA. The same week, the Senate and House remove the most controversial provision. Coincidence? I think not. The state of Connecticut is rebooting its arts agency giving strategy under new leader Kip Bergstrom. The mayor of Boston is “asking” local museums and otherRead More
Racism is alive and well
…and it manifests in housing markets: The findings from this exercise indicate that the preference estimates derived from our dynamic approach differ substantially from estimates derived from a comparable static demand model. For example, the per-year willingness to pay to avoid a 10-percent increase in the number violent crimes per 100,000 population is $586 (inRead More
Around the horn: straw poll edition
It’s been sitting there quietly for a little bit now, but Createquity now has a Facebook page. Feel free to sign up – I post interesting links there that don’t make it into the Around the Horn round up for one reason or another. PUBLIC POLICY AND THE ARTS – FEDERAL Teresa Eyring has aRead More
Arts Centers and Real Estate: Sustainable Business Model?
“Sustainability” and “community development” are ideals that many arts organizations strive to uphold. They want to stand on their own two feet financially, and they also want to play a role in revitalizing communities that have been abandoned by urban sprawl. Some arts centers, such as the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark andRead More
On the Arts and Developing Communities
(photo by murcurialn, Flickr) As part of my independent study on public policy and the arts, I’ve been reviewing a significant amount of literature on the potential of artists and arts organizations to serve a revitalization role in so-called “transitional” neighborhoods and communities. While many studies show a clear relationship between the presence and densityRead More