Not satisfied with killing Blockbuster, the streamer is now setting its sights on Hollywood and the world.
Around the horn: Big Papi edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Glenn Beck is at it again: the right-wing broadcaster recently attacked the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture along with the Imagining America initiative on his Internet show, The Blaze. Far from a government agency, the USDAC is a “citizen-powered” art project that hasn’t received any public funding to date. Not one to be deterred by facts, Beck claimsRead More
Around the horn: hello NYC edition
Posting has been light around here lately because I am in the midst of another move. I am coming to the end of my official residence in Rhode Island, where I have been plying my trade and generally causing trouble for the last year or so. I’m moving back to New York to join theRead More
Around the horn: March madness edition
Short and sweet, this time: Philanthropy News Digest highlights a few examples of non-profit newspaper models around the country. Cool story about Lower Manhattan arts organizations banding together to improve their joint situation, to the point of actually sharing audience and financial figures with each other. Well done, and hope it yields results. Leonard JacobsRead More
Around the horn: home stretch edition
My fourth and final semester at the Yale School of Management has begun, and classes-wise, it’s looking to be the most interesting yet. I’m taking Endowment Management with the folks from the legendary Yale Investments Office, which has performed in the top one percent of institutional investors over the past two decades; Philanthropic Foundations withRead More
Newspapers and Symphony Orchestras
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote up a Stanford case on the San Francisco Symphony for my Nonprofits class. The project was timely, given the recent release of the controversial Flanagan report (pdf) commissioned by the Mellon Foundation that studied the economic environment of symphony orchestras. The Flanagan report has gotten a lot ofRead More