ART AND THE GOVERNMENT A Federal court has overturned the FCC’s “net neutrality” regulations, which have required internet service providers to treat all content equally. Legal details here; implications for artists and ways to get involved here. Meanwhile, AT&T has announced a plan to exempt selected content from wireless data caps; artists are expressing concern.Read More
The Top 10 Arts Policy Stories of 2013
Each year, Createquity offers a list of the top ten arts policy stories of the past twelve months. You can read the previous editions here: 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009. The list, like the blog, is focused on the United States, but is not oblivious to news from other parts of the world. I amRead More
Around the horn: Donald Trump edition
I’m happy to announce that I will be speaking in Chicago this Saturday, May 7 at David Zoltan’s TEDxMichiganAve event (you can buy tickets here). The talk is tentatively titled “Never Heard of ‘Em: Citizen Curators and Who Gets to Be an Artist,” and I will be synthesizing themes from my post on artistic marketplaces,Read More
The Phoenix in Baltimore
A while back, the Washington Post had a nice series of articles on DC’s neighbor to the north. Baltimore tends to be associated in the popular imagination with the kind of frightening crime depicted on TV shows like The Wire (frankly, it doesn’t exactly give one confidence when cabbies have signs saying “DRIVER CARRIES NO MORERead More
Around the horn: March madness edition
Short and sweet, this time: Philanthropy News Digest highlights a few examples of non-profit newspaper models around the country. Cool story about Lower Manhattan arts organizations banding together to improve their joint situation, to the point of actually sharing audience and financial figures with each other. Well done, and hope it yields results. Leonard JacobsRead More
Around the horn: hope we make it out of here alive edition
Boy, I picked a hell of a year to graduate, didn’t I? I’ve been hearing and reading rumblings all week about how the economy is in a really scary place right now, and blog headlines like “Europe’s entire banking system on the edge of the abyss” don’t do much to put one at ease. SoRead More
Behavioral economics
Back at the beginning of the semester, I promised that by mid-October I would have “cracked this nut” with regard to economics, with the help of a course called Behavioral Economics and Strategy that I finished up this past week. Well, I’m not sure I can quite make that claim after all. But I don’tRead More
Around the horn: Market volatility edition
This week has been an interesting one at business school. The suits and industry types have been in a somber mood, sometimes punctuated with gallows humor. There are people in our class whose full-time job offers are now officially kaput, and numerous others who have to wait longer than anticipated to learn their fate. ARead More