(For the unabridged edition of this analysis, please read Arts Policy Library: The Artistic Dividend.) Ann Markusen and David King’s 2003 paper “The Artistic Dividend: The Arts’ Hidden Contributions to Regional Development” aims to reveal what economists typically miss when they measure the impact of the arts sector on regional economies. Summary Approach and MethodologyRead More
Arts Policy Library: The Artistic Dividend
(For a shorter edition of this analysis, please read the condensed version.) Ann Markusen and David King’s 2003 paper “The Artistic Dividend: The Arts’ Hidden Contributions to Regional Development” aims to reveal what economists typically miss when they measure the impact of the arts sector on regional economies. The authors describe the artistic dividend asRead More
Strategic National Arts Alumni Project: The Condensed Version
This is a condensed version of my full Arts Policy Library write-up on the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP). Please check out the latter for a more comprehensive discussion of their report. Is an arts degree worth it or worthless? Many an art or art history major has had to defend the value ofRead More
Arts Policy Library: Strategic National Arts Alumni Project
(For a quick summary of this post, see “Strategic National Arts Almuni Project: The Condensed Version.” SNAAP has responded in the comments.) Is an arts degree worth it or worthless? Many an art or art history major has had to defend the value of her studies. Indeed, in a Kiplinger article that used data fromRead More
Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change: the condensed version
This is a skin-and-bones summary of my full Arts Policy Library write up. Head that way for a much more thorough and nuanced discussion of “Fusing.” Holly Sidford’s “Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change: High Impact Strategies for Philanthropy” calls for a major overhaul in arts philanthropy in the United States. It argues that artsRead More
Arts Policy Library: Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change
Holly Sidford’s seminal report calls attention to longstanding inequities in arts funding.
Arts Policy Library: Cultural Engagement in California’s Inland Regions
A survey of rural and suburban populations exposes participation in a range of cultural activities.
Arts Policy Library: 2008 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts
A summary, history, and analysis of the influential NEA survey.
Investing in Creativity: The “Investing Less Time in Reading” Version
This is a shortened version of my Arts Policy Library article on Investing in Creativity. Investing in Creativity: A Study of the Support Structures for U.S. Artists (2003), an Urban Institute publication authored by Maria-Rosario Jackson, Florence Kabwasa-Green, Daniel Swenson, Joaquin Herranz, Jr., Kadija Ferryman, Caron Atlas, Eric Wallner, and Carole Rosenstein, sheds light onRead More
Arts Policy Library: Investing in Creativity
Investing in Creativity: A Study of the Support Structures for U.S. Artists (2003), an Urban Institute publication authored by Maria-Rosario Jackson, Florence Kabwasa-Green, Daniel Swenson, Joaquin Herranz, Jr., Kadija Ferryman, Caron Atlas, Eric Wallner, and Carole Rosenstein, sheds light on the economic and employment situation of individual artists in the United States following the cessationRead More