When asked what career they would choose if finances were not a concern, a plurality of Harvard seniors chose the arts, with 16 percent indicating it as their “dream” field. Similarly large numbers of students chose public service (12.5) and education (12), while finance and consulting trailed with five percent each. This is from lastRead More
Around the horn: MBA edition
Createquity began in October 2007 in large part as a vehicle for me to share the novel experience of business school from an artist’s and nontraditional student’s perspective. That experience ended today, as I officially received my Master of Business Administration degree from the Yale School of Management, but Createquity will live on. Though theRead More
Reconstructing Florida
I’ve had a chance to look at the two papers that Richard Florida and his colleagues sent to me in response to my essay from last month criticizing the quantitative methodology used in his best-selling book, The Rise of the Creative Class. The short version is that (a) a lot of work has been doneRead More
Around the horn: Pig virus edition
I am done with one of my five classes as of this past Friday, a sign that things are finally winding down here in New Haven. With final projects and/or major hours quotas for all of my other commitments, however, I’m guaranteed to be up against it for at least a couple more weeks. InRead More
Richard Florida responds
Earlier this week, I posted a very long essay on Richard Florida’s wildly popular book The Rise of The Creative Class. I knew that in this age of the Google Alert it was possible that Florida might come across it in his internet travels, but even so I was still a bit shocked on TuesdayRead More
Deconstructing Richard Florida
The Rise of the Creative Class was one of the most influential – and hotly debated – books of the past decade. Was all the fuss worth it?
New Blogs!
Here’s this week’s crop of newly added blogs….enjoy!Creative Class ExchangeIf you’re reading Createquity and don’t know the name of Richard Florida, then you have some catching up to do. The celebrity professor is the originator of so-called “creative class theory” and now teaches at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. This is theRead More
Around the horn: Spring break edition
I (started to) write this on an American Airlines flight to the Left Coast, where I’ll be attending a wedding and visiting old friends for the next week. Hasn’t really felt like spring break so far, what with the job hunt in full blast, but I suppose I should count my blessings that I haveRead More