Astute readers will note that this edition is mostly comprised of links from the first half of June; I am a little behind in my curation and hope to catch up over the rest of this month. In the meantime, enjoy! MUSICAL CHAIRS Congratulations to Arts Marketing blogger Chad Bauman, who returns to Arena Stage asRead More
Around the horn: I’m on a plane edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Narric Rome tells us about where the arts fall in the federal government’s new tourism strategy. After threatening to cap the tax deduction available to donors as a means of raising revenue, the British government has abandoned the plan. ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS Barely two years after changing things up last time, theRead More
Art and Democracy: The NEA, Kickstarter, and Creativity in America
(This article was first published on NewMusicBox on April 4, 2012. I’m grateful to Molly Sheridan, Kevin Clark, and Frank J. Oteri for their helpful comments on previous drafts.) Every once in a blue moon, an arts policy story breaks into the mainstream media—and as with most poorly understood subjects, it’s usually for some profoundlyRead More
The Top 10 Arts Policy Stories of 2011
Each year, Createquity offers a list of the top ten arts policy stories of the past 12 months. You can read the 2009 and 2010 editions here and here, respectively. In addition to the main list, I also identify my favorite new arts blogs that started within the past year. The list, like the blog,Read More
Around the horn: Blago edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT – DOMESTIC Americans for the Arts’s Narric Rome provides a vital update on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA, also known as No Child Left Behind), and what it all means for arts education, as it makes its way through the Congressional committee process. Proposed copyright legislation called theRead More
Around the horn: staycation edition
ART AND GOVERNMENT Remember that debate a while back about whether video games qualified as art? Well, the NEA just declared it over by including support for “digital games” in its new Art and Media program. To Scott Walters’s everlasting chagrin, however, the NEA is still providing funding to organizations in New York, LA, andRead More
Around the horn: Japan edition
(OK, here’s the follow-up. Enjoy!) TALKS AND SPEECHES YOU MISSED Marc Vogl and Jeanne Sakamoto of the Hewlett and Irvine Foundations, respectively, hosted a Grantmakers in the Arts webinar on the subject of retaining emerging leaders in the arts field. Here is the full 40-minute presentation, and Marc and Jeanne have also put together aRead More
Audiences at the Gate: Reinventing Arts Philanthropy Through Guided Crowdsourcing
(This article originally appeared in 20UNDER40 anthologyi edited by Edward P. Clapp, and has been republished with permission.) Spurred on by major technological advances, the number of aspiring professional artists in the United States has reached unprecedented levels and will only continue to grow. The arts’ current system of philanthropic support is woefully underequipped to evaluate thisRead More
Wrap-up: SOM Philanthropy Conference (Part II)
The first half of this wrap-up is available here. Following the Funder/Grantee Relationships panel, I attended another discussion focusing on the democratization of philanthropy (i.e., bringing more and more types of donors to the funding table). The panelists were Diane Airker and Angel Fernandez-Chavero from the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven, Eugene Miller fromRead More