Television can wreak havoc on the brain AND the body. But the people who watch it the most don’t seem to mind.
The Top 10 Arts Policy Stories of 2015
The arts sustain their first direct hit in the global war on terror, and more.
Part of Your World: On the Arts and Wellbeing
A concept that’s been making the rounds in other fields for decades provides fresh ideas about how to think about the benefits of the arts.
Why Don’t They Come?
It’s not just the price of admission that’s keeping poor and less-educated adults away from arts events.
The Top 10 Arts Policy Stories of 2014
We always knew that art had the power to inspire wonder, hope, greed, fear and anger. Now, we can add bankruptcy negotiations and terrorist threats to the list.
Introducing the New Createquity
We’re embarking on a research-backed investigation of the most important issues in the arts. Here’s how you can help.
A Healthy Arts Ecosystem
Guiding principles for a better world.