The HULA research team proposes a theoretical and methodological framework for understanding and assessing the contributions of the humanities to human development.
Core Research Process Update: April 2015
As noted in our last update, we’re working on an investigation of the relationship between arts participation and economic disadvantage. Since February, we’ve made some additional progress in the course of preparing our first feature article on this topic. We’ve reviewed five new sources and also done “deeper dives” on five of the publications thatRead More
Upcoming Creative Conversations
For those of you in or visiting New York City, I’m presenting at two events on consecutive Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm, both sponsored or co-sponsored by Emerging Leaders of New York Arts (ELNYA), the local Americans for the Arts-affiliated emerging leader network here. This Tuesday, I’ll be on what looks like a pretty awesome panelRead More
Stimulus not getting much of a rise out of Republicans
And so it begins. Now that Republican opposition to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is solidifying, political conservatives in the Senate are beginning to use the $50 million in NEA funding that was in the original design of the bill (and the version that the House passed) as a pawn for negotiations.Read More