The show will go on at the Metropolitan Opera, thanks to a labor agreement that, among other things, allows an independent analyst to monitor the opera’s fiscal health on behalf of its employees – and could have widespread impact within the nonprofit sector.
Around the horn: Flight 370 edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Seems that New York City’s recent bill forcing schools to report out on the availability of arts education in its schools comes not a moment too soon: an audit from the state comptroller found that roughly half of seniors graduated from high school without having met arts education requirements. Denver isRead More
Winter public arts funding update
Continuing a recent trend, the news from abroad is much more interesting than what’s happening here at home. Below, the round-up: FEDERAL Beyond the official departure of Rocco, it’s been a slow news season at the federal level for the arts. One series of developments, however, has involved the Internet Radio Fairness Act, or IRFA.Read More