Does organizational form matter? How does it affect the actions of decisions made by organizations?
Capsule Review: Cultural Value Project Report
The final report of an ambitious three-year research project out of the UK sheds new light on how the arts improve lives.
Capsule Review: The Arts and Early Childhood
A review of studies examining the effects of arts participation on social and emotional skills in early childhood (defined as birth to eight years).
Capsule Review: Cultural Arts and Dementia
Overall findings begin to suggest that cultural arts and psychosocial interventions may be viable alternatives to drug treatment.
Capsule Review: Arts and At-Risk Youths
This report reviews recent literature on the effects of arts-based therapies for at-risk, juvenile justice-involved, and traumatized youth in the U.S.
Capsule Review: Participatory Arts for Older Adults
A review of the literature on the health benefits of active arts participation among older adults ages 60 and older in good general health.
Capsule Review: Artful Living
Examining data from three national surveys, the authors find evidence that artistic and creative practice is associated with wellbeing.
Capsule Review: Artists Report Back
Only 16% of working artists in the United States have arts-related bachelor’s degrees.
Capsule Review: The Starving Artist
Looking at data from the 1980 census, this study attempts to flesh out the the myths and realities of the labor market for artists.
Capsule Review: Triple Bottom Line
A recounting of the evolution of NEA policies since its founding in 1965 and those policies’ impacts on the nonprofit arts sector.