(Note: this is the fourth and final of a series of issue briefs on topics Createquity has covered in depth over the past several years. To share via email or social media, please use this link.) In Createquity’s view, a healthy arts ecosystem maximizes the arts’ capacity to improve the lives of human beings inRead More
What Makes Arts Organizations Civically Engaged?
A nationwide study indicates that peer networks and mission identity are key.
Announcing the Winner of the 2016 Createquity Arts Research Prize
Mirae Kim’s research explores what characteristics separate nonprofits that work to benefit their community from the ones that chase revenue.
Capsule Review: Making Nonprofits Civically Engaged
Title: Characteristics of Civically Engaged Nonprofit Arts Organizations: The Results of a National Survey Author(s): Mirae Kim Publisher: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Year: 2016 URL: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0899764016646473 Topics: Non-profit management, arts organizations, civic engagement, arts management Methods: Survey, Structured interviews, correlation analysis What it says: The study uses data from a U.S. survey, structured interviewsRead More
Capsule Review: Standing for Cultural Democracy
This report epitomizes both the value and the limitations of the USDAC’s participatory approach to policy development.
Capsule Review: An Act of Collective Imagination
“An Act of Collective Imagination” offers an example of a novel method by which to crowdscource areas of policy concern and policy ideas.
Capsule Review: Intersectoral Division of Labor
Does organizational form matter? How does it affect the actions of decisions made by organizations?
Capsule Review: Triple Bottom Line
A recounting of the evolution of NEA policies since its founding in 1965 and those policies’ impacts on the nonprofit arts sector.
Core Research Process Update
Our research on the history of the arts ecosystem continues with our investigation of the expanding definition of the arts and the recent history of support and recognition for artists of color. We have decided to focus this research on the period covering 1980-today, with an emphasis on trends related to equity and multiculturalismRead More
Core Research Process Update: February 2016
This month, we began a new research investigation in the arts and economic disadvantage research area into how artists make a living. We are examining the barriers that economically disadvantaged people face when pursuing “scarce” opportunities in the arts to become artists. We have agreed upon research questions and completed an initial scan for literatureRead More