From economics to technology, what impacts the world impacts the arts.
Around the horn: Flight 370 edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT Seems that New York City’s recent bill forcing schools to report out on the availability of arts education in its schools comes not a moment too soon: an audit from the state comptroller found that roughly half of seniors graduated from high school without having met arts education requirements. Denver isRead More
Around the horn: Blago edition
ART AND THE GOVERNMENT – DOMESTIC Americans for the Arts’s Narric Rome provides a vital update on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA, also known as No Child Left Behind), and what it all means for arts education, as it makes its way through the Congressional committee process. Proposed copyright legislation called theRead More
On Michael Kaiser and Citizen Critics
Michael Kaiser is so hit or miss. Last week he published this truly unfortunate commentary on the slow death of professional arts criticism, and the rise of citizen critics as a result: [T]he growing influence of blogs, chat rooms and message boards devoted to the arts has given the local professional critic a slew of competitors….Many artsRead More
Around the horn: redeye edition
This one will have to be quick because I’m leaving on a plane to California in a few hours. Busy, busy, busy! The Hewlett Foundation has finally released phase two of its Youth in the Arts report, conducted by Barry Hessenius. This edition used focus groups of young arts professionals to explore the implications ofRead More