A study from Vanderbilt’s Curb Center makes a case for the benefits of active arts participation.
Capsule Review: Cultural Vitality in Communities
Cultural vitality is the evidence of creating, disseminating, validating, and supporting arts and culture as a dimension of everyday life in communities.
Capsule Review: Culture Counts in Communities
An important early initiative/study that helped set the stage for the creative placemaking conversation.
Quality of Life, Wellbeing and Standard of Living
While there seems to be a general consensus that quality of life consists of both subjective and objective components, there is greater ambivalence about the meaning of wellbeing.
Core Research Process Update: October 2015
This month we looked more closely at the idea of television addiction and the choices that people make with regard to their television viewing. The literature appears to agree that television addiction does exist, and that it describes a particular set of behaviors that resemble drug or alcohol addiction. We found that television choices areRead More
Core Research Process Update: September 2015
This past month, Createquity continued conducting research for our follow-up to the article “Why Don’t They Come?” and our investigation of the history of change in the arts ecosystem over the past half-century. Arts and Economic Disadvantage This month, we looked closely at studies exploring reasons for lack of interest among people who do notRead More
Core Research Process Update: August 2015
This month, we investigate the arts and wellbeing and make progress on understanding the impact of television.
Part of Your World: On the Arts and Wellbeing
A concept that’s been making the rounds in other fields for decades provides fresh ideas about how to think about the benefits of the arts.
Notes to “Part of Your World”
The following end notes accompany our article, “Part of Your World: On the Arts and Wellbeing,” published on August 31, 2015: [1] For his part, Sen has written a stirring defense of incorporating cultural considerations into international development policy, although his essay does not dwell on explicit connections to the capability approach. [2] Createquity isRead More
Research Progress Report: What’s Up with Self-Actualization?
While the term continues to be bandied about with some regularity, there does not appear to be one agreed-upon definition of self-actualization and there is a lack of empirical support for Maslow’s hierarchy.