This is an abridged edition of the full analysis of Studio Thinking for the Createquity Arts Policy Library. First published in 2007, Studio Thinking: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education by Lois Hetland, Ellen Winner, Shirley Veenema, and Kimberly M. Sheridan offers a new approach and perspective on the “real benefits” of visual artsRead More
Arts Policy Library: Studio Thinking
For a 75% shorter read than what you’re about to experience below, try Studio Thinking: the condensed version. At the turn of the millennium, arts education found itself increasingly under the axe in a school system beleaguered by budget cuts, low grades and poor test scores. Arts advocates and educators were scrambling to prove theRead More
Critical Links: the bullet points
This is the quick-fix version of my essay for the Arts Policy Library about “Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development,” edited by Richard Deasy. I hope this will give you brief overview of what the Compendium is about, and what I took away from it. “Critical Links: Learning in the ArtsRead More
Arts Policy Library: Critical Links
SUMMARY The story of “Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development,” an extraordinarily ambitious collection of research on arts education, begins in 1997, when a report published by the Arts Education Partnership’s Task Force on Research emphasized a need for a review of up-to-date research to help inform program designRead More