A new evaluation of the Turnaround Arts initiative shows promising results for underprivileged students.
Learning from “The Cultural Lives of Californians”
A new survey of Golden State residents has a few things to teach us about arts participation and how we measure it.
A New Way to Think About Intrinsic vs. Instrumental Benefits of the Arts
Which matters more, art for art’s sake or art for people’s sake? Neither, according to a new report.
One Size Fits All Does Not Fit “The Arts”
A recent report from the National Endowment for the Arts looks at motivations for and barriers to arts attendance.
Is the Cultural Sector Ready to Move Beyond Data for Data’s Sake?
A recent report challenges arts administrators to use data to make more thoughtful decisions. Are we up to it?
The Impact of Museum Field Trips on Students
A randomized-control study from the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art suggests field trips to an art museum can boost observation skills and appetite for art, especially for underserved kids.