(This is a bite-sized version of the much longer piece Arts Policy Library: Culture and Community Revitalization.) The Social Impact of the Arts Project, based at the University of Pennsylvania, was founded in 1994 with the intent of studying the connection between the arts and community life. Over time, SIAP has established mechanisms to helpRead More
Arts Policy Library: Culture and Community Revitalization
(For a much briefer version of this analysis, please see the Executive Summary.) SUMMARY The Social Impact of the Arts Project, based at the University of Pennsylvania, was founded in 1994 with the intent of studying the connection between the arts and community life. After all, “if the arts and culture do, in fact, haveRead More
Watching Gentrification Unfurl
Cultural, civic, and private sector forces are on display in the evolution of two New York City neighborhoods.
Saving the Music, One Diva at a Time
Growing up as a pre-millennial (I’m not sure what they call my generation these days) in the record companies’ final days of splurging on million dollar music videos before the industry’s slow denouement in the face of the internet, I watched a lot of music videos. Because I have always been a fan of adultRead More
They’ve Got Something in Common: Sports, Cultural Institutions, and Building Booms
The U.S. has now entered an era of extremely expensive sports stadiums: the new Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY cost a cool billion dollars for example,while the new Vikings stadium in Minneapolis, MN is anticipated to be similarly priced. While reading up on the professional sports billion dollar building boom I couldn’t help but noticeRead More
Around the horn: Habemus papem edition
(This is the first Around the Horn to be put together by one of the Createquity Writing Fellows, Hayley Roberts. Enjoy! -IDM) Government Policy and the Arts Gladstone Payton details the sequester’s effects on the governmental agencies that provide funding for the arts. Will New Jersey pass legislation requiring cultural and sporting events to onlyRead More