(photo credit: henrybloomfield, flickr Creative Commons license) You know, for a long time I resisted incorporating the current economic environment into my writing here, other than brief references to it in the around the horn posts, mostly because I didn’t feel like I had any brilliant answers. Yeah, it sucks that no one has anyRead More
Around the horn: Sotomayor edition
Wow, “sustainability” is definitely the word of the month. It was plastered all over the recent Americans for the Arts Convention, my own treatment of the subject was linked by jazz blogs everywhere (thanks, Darcy) and is now the top-read Createquity post of all-time, and now this week two bloggers have given it their ownRead More
Economics and the true meaning of “value”
Money and value aren’t the same thing. So what is value, anyway?
Around the horn: Solstice edition
I briefly caught a performance of Henry Brant’s Orbits for organ, soprano, and 80 trombones at the Guggenheim on the way back from Seattle yesterday. Totally wild stuff. I only really dug isolated moments of it, but those moments were killer. Saw blogmaster Alex Ross in the audience as well, scribbling notes as he isRead More
Around the horn: convention edition
Later today, I’ll be off to Seattle for the Americans for the Arts Convention, and will be live-blogging and -tweeting my experiences there as time and internet access allow. W00t! Recession blues roundup: JazzTimes is no more (at least for now); The Ford and Robert Wood Johnson Foundations are offering buyouts to 33% and 40%Read More
On the Arts and Sustainability
As I get ready for the 2009 Americans for the Arts Annual Convention, Renewable Resources: Arts in Sustainable Communities, and prepare a panel session on the creative economy for the 2009 Net Impact North America Conference, Advancing Sustainable Global Enterprise: Changemakers, Innovators, and Problem Solvers, I’ve been doing some thinking on what “sustainability” means forRead More
Socially responsible investing
As a follow-up to last week’s rant, when I was in Israel we met with a company that produces healthcare IT solutions with the goal of making it easier for doctors and hospitals to transfer patient information quickly and accurately. A venture capital partner whose company provided much of the funding for the startup alsoRead More
Social Impact Investing with Sharon Oster
On Monday, November 5 (yeah, I know, I’m way behind), I attended a lecture on social impact investing with Sharon Oster, one of my econ teachers from last quarter and something of a celebrity on campus. Unfortunately, I had to miss the beginning for an Internship Fund meeting, but here’s what I learned from theRead More