Happy 01-11-10, folks. First time we’ve seen a palindrome date in that format since October 22, 2001, if I have my math right. Ain’t numbers fun? Here’s this week’s news: Isaac’s done (with directing for a living, that is). In related news, Newsweek notices the burgeoning pro-am movement. Stop me if you’ve heard this oneRead More
What We’ve Learned So Far
Image by macwagen, Creative Commons license I’ve been blogging for a little over two years now, and in that time a lot has changed. I’ve gone through a complete graduate business program, worked for a summer at one of the largest private grantmaking organizations in the world, expanded my blog reading list by about 2000%Read More
Looking back: Createquity in Quotes
“What should it matter if one feels truly alive while composing while another does so through nuclear physics or conducting market research or cooking? If the goal is to get the arts to be taken seriously in broader policy discussions, it seems to me that the creativity connection is crucial. And not just in theRead More
Around the horn: goodbye oughties edition
We’re winding down what’s turned out to be a very eventful year at Createquity. Next week will feature some exciting announcements and changes, but in the meantime, this week’s posts will look back: at what we’ve learned, what we’ve said, and what the hell happened! Happy holidays and best wishes for 2010 for all whoRead More
Around the horn: Net Impact edition
This Friday, I’m excited to be moderating and presenting at a panel at the Net Impact North America Conference at Cornell University’s Johnson School. (For those of you who have been following Createquity since the spring, this is the result of the Creative Economy proposal I submitted back in April.) If you happen to beRead More
Achieving Consensus in a Pluralist Value System
image by jef safi (‘pictosophizing) – Creative Commons license In the course of my occasional blog discussion with Tony Wang about the nature of value (economic and otherwise), I’ve gotten us off on a bit of a philosophical tangent: namely, exploring the question of whether a pluralist value system–one in which we don’t assign anyRead More
Around the horn: f(e)asting edition
Had a quick trip to NYC for a bona-fide Chinese wedding banquet, complete with a 12-course (!) meal and embarrassing games involving the bride and groom. In other news, I’ll be blogging the Grantmakers in the Arts Conference on October 18-21 in Brooklyn, NY. Let me know if there’s anything you want me to tryRead More
Around the horn: term paper edition
Have you been wondering whatever happened to the Arts Policy Library series? It hasn’t gone anywhere–it’s just been in extended hibernation in preparation for the piece that’s about to be unveiled tomorrow: a 7000-word, seminar-paper-length treatise on Americans for the Arts’s landmark economic impact study, Arts & Economic Prosperity III. Well over 60 hours ofRead More
On value, utility, and morals
As mentioned here recently, I’m engaging in a slow-motion blog-off of sorts with Tony Wang of Philosopher 2.0 about the nature of value and how it relates to different sectors. In my posts leading up to this discussion earlier this summer, available here, here, here, and here, I started off by showing that value andRead More
20UNDER40 receives 304 chapter proposals
Edward Clapp’s 20UNDER40 anthology, a publication that will feature twenty chapters from emerging leaders in the arts under 40 years of age, has received an eye-opening 304 responses to its recent call for proposals from 343 authors on five continents. This is, frankly, a pretty astounding yield for a project with no history, financial reward,Read More