The good folks at the Technology in the Arts blog, a program of the Center for Arts Management and Technology at Carnegie Mellon University, run a podcast that includes a feature called “Cool Sites of the Episode.” Here they are talking about Createquity and giving a shout-out to Around the Horn (hope it’s cool ofRead More
New Blogs!
Another new crop for you all this weekend. 24 Usable Hours I’m so proud of my former Yale School of Management classmate Devon Smith for putting together this completely kickass arts & social media blog that you should all be reading. (Even the title is amazing!) I sometimes suspect Devon is simply adapting material she’sRead More
I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been hired as the next Research Director for Fractured Atlas, a national arts service organization based in New York. It’s a full-time job, and my primary responsibility for 2010 will be implementing a prototype version of the Bay Area Cultural Asset Map (BACAM). (Longtime readers may remember BACAM fromRead More
New Blogs!
My, oh my, has it really been two and a half months since the last New Blogs roundup? That’s not good, especially since the onslaught of interesting new content has not let up one bit. With apologies to those who got left out this time, here are some of my newest reads: Art & SeekRead More
What We’ve Learned So Far
Image by macwagen, Creative Commons license I’ve been blogging for a little over two years now, and in that time a lot has changed. I’ve gone through a complete graduate business program, worked for a summer at one of the largest private grantmaking organizations in the world, expanded my blog reading list by about 2000%Read More
Looking back: Createquity in Quotes
“What should it matter if one feels truly alive while composing while another does so through nuclear physics or conducting market research or cooking? If the goal is to get the arts to be taken seriously in broader policy discussions, it seems to me that the creativity connection is crucial. And not just in theRead More
Snooze button
Createquity is taking a short break and will be back on the 28th. Feel free to enjoy the many wonderful blogs linked to from the blogroll in the meantime. Happy holidays!
New Blogs!
I’m always amused when people figure out they’ve been mentioned in New Blogs! and take the time to respond. To be honest, I didn’t really think that Createquity would ever have enough readers for anyone to care, but as the subscriber count over there on the right slowly inches toward 500 (thanks for rescuing myRead More
New Blogs!
Here’s a spooky Halloween edition of new blogs for you to check out: Arts Admin It doesn’t sport the most earth-shattering name ever dreamed up, but Michael Rushton’s blog is a great find. It’s extremely active, typically with several posts a day, and many of those are quite substantive in scope. Rushton is the directorRead More
Blogiversary II
As of today, I have been blogging at Createquity for two years. It’s pretty amazing to think how far things have come in such a short time. Even one year ago, this blog was still pretty quiet — a subscriber base of perhaps 20, a comment maybe every month or so, and a pretty lightRead More