DC Research Ltd studies the effects of charging or not charging for admission at UK museums – and of changing a museum’s policy toward charging – on attendance, visitor diversity, funding, visitor experience, and institutional relationships.
Capsule Review: Attendance and Participation in the Performing Arts
Title: Attendance and Public Participation in the Performing Arts: A Review of the Empirical Literature Author(s): Bruce A. Seaman Publisher: Georgia State University Year: 2005 URL: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=895099 Topics: economics, econometrics, arts participation, lit review Methods: literature review What it says: This is a critical review of cultural economics research literature, starting with Baumol and Bowen’sRead More
One Size Fits All Does Not Fit “The Arts”
A recent report from the National Endowment for the Arts looks at motivations for and barriers to arts attendance.