Photo by Steve Hanna
History of change in the arts ecosystem
In December and early January we focused on reviewing resources uncovered in our initial literature search which provide a history of the larger nonprofit sector, as well as assembling data from multiple of these sources on the size of the nonprofit arts sector at different periods. We also returned to our original interviews with change makers in the arts sector for insights on the causes of this particular shift, and put out a call to our readers for additional resources which attempt to identify its most important drivers or weigh those drivers’ relative influence.
Here are a few additional resources we have reviewed this month that were not part of our original literature search.
Anderson, J. (1993, June 7). W. McNeil Lowry Is Dead; Patron of the Arts Was 80. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/1993/06/07/obituaries/w-mcneil-lowry-is-dead-patron-of-the-arts-was-80.html
Blau, J. R. (1991). The Disjunctive History of U.S. Museums, 1869-1980. Social Forces,70(1), 87–105. http://doi.org/10.2307/2580063
Clayton, L. (2015). Arts & America: 1780-2015. In Arts & America (pp. 1–36). Americans for the Arts.
Heilbrun, J., & Gray, C. M. (2001). The Economics of Art and Culture (Second). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Lowry, W M. (2003). The Arts and Philanthrophy: Motives that prompt the philanthropic act.GIA Reader, 14(3). Retrieved from http://www.giarts.org/article/arts-and-philanthrophy
National Endowment of the Arts. (2013). Birth and mortality rates of arts and cultural organizations (ACOs), 1990-2010. Washington, D.C. Retrieved fromhttps://www.arts.gov/sites/default/files/Research-Art-Works-Harvard.pdf