Well, that didn’t take long. One week after I “finished,” and I already have four great new sites to share with you. Ain’t the internet grand?
<100k Project
This is the blog of Scott Walters’s <100k Project, an innovative effort to bring resources for and awareness of artists and arts organizations to small and rural communities with populations of less than 100,000. What little I’ve read of Scott’s work so far indicates a keen understanding of key issues in the community arts and of things in general. Well worth checking out.
Guy Yedwab is an arts management student at NYU who, like seemingly everyone else I run into, is interested in arts policy. He has embarked on a research project seeking to identify and quantify the kinds of metrics one needs to use to identify healthy arts communities. So far, he’s off to a great start.
Jodi Schoenbrun Carter, former managing director of the Westport Country Playhouse, has been getting her blog on something fierce the last few months. She writes mostly about theater topics, but there are some larger arts-related posts as well — her take on Rocco Landesman is worth reading, for example (though it’s unfortunate that she quotes an entire NYTimes article in her post — not kosher, people!). Jodi also Twitters up a storm at @jodisc.
Springblog for the Arts
This is the official blog for a fascinating-looking organization called Springboard for the Arts that’s based in St. Paul, Minnesota. They seem to be kind of like a Midwest-centric version of Fractured Atlas, though they’ve been around for a decade or so longer. As for the blog itself, I first came across it because of this great essay by Eric Booth from Chamber Music magazine, which was reprinted with permission on Springblog. Eric had a key role in putting together the content of last summer’s National Performing Arts Convention, and makes reference to Jim Collins’s keynote speech in the article.
Thanks for the SpringBlog shout out! I recently subscribed to your blog and am really enjoying it. Funny how things are so connected.
Thanks for the shout out — I follow you as well.