One of the reasons I’ve found it challenging to keep up with Createquity at times is the sheer volume of material that my RSS reader brings me into contact with every day. Knowing that my colleagues in the blogosphere are generating so much high-quality material themselves makes me feel that much more pressure to makeRead More
Socially responsible investing
As a follow-up to last week’s rant, when I was in Israel we met with a company that produces healthcare IT solutions with the goal of making it easier for doctors and hospitals to transfer patient information quickly and accurately. A venture capital partner whose company provided much of the funding for the startup alsoRead More
Economics myths
When I first studied music theory approximately a decade ago, I was rather shocked to discover, unbeknownst to me and apparently every rock band whose music sent me into spasms of ecstasy when played on my headphones at high volume, that parallel fifths in music—not to mention octaves, cross relations, and leaping to a leadingRead More