Createquity is part of a greater community of discussion about the arts, and we rely on high-quality information, research, and analysis from our sources to translate ideas to action and impact. For both our monthly Newsroom roundups and Twitter feed, we try to filter the vast wealth of stories to pick out the ones to share with our audience that seem most relevant to making an impact on the arts ecosystem.
Key Source List
We follow well over a hundred publications, blogs, newsletters, and listservs that produce and share information about the arts. While that list is constantly changing, below is a highly curated selection of sources where we frequently find valuable information pertaining to our editorial themes (please note that this list is current as of December 2017):
Grantmakers in the Arts
The SAANBox (from Americans for the Arts)
Philanthropy News Digest (from the Foundation Center)
Harvard Business Review
Marginal Revolution
Museum 2.0
Barry’s Blog
In addition to the above, click here for a list of academic journals and other resources we reviewed as part of our vetting process for the Createquity Arts Research Prize.
Our Filter
In general, these are the types of things that we look out for in the sources above and the others we follow:
- Major news stories like big changes to the NEA’s funding or structure, a major funder announcing a shift in strategic direction, a new law that affects the arts ecosystem in a big way.
- News of the birth or death of an organization, or a merger with another organization.
- Public funding stories: increases, decreases, or big changes to funding from federal, state, or local arts funders.
- High-quality analysis of pending or passed legislation, trends in the arts, or tangentially related topics that are clearly relevant to an arts audience.
- Commentary that relates to one of our editorial content themes and adds something new to that conversation.
- News, analysis or high-quality commentary that relates to effective philanthropy in general or the role of research in knowledge-building.
- Program-related and executive job openings and personnel changes at the following types of organizations: arts funders, arts service organizations (including state and local arts councils), arts consultants, or arts research organizations.
- Announcements or analysis of new arts research of any kind, or non-arts research that has clear relevance to our audience.