The new arts policy or arts-policy-relevant blogs keep coming at a brisk clip. Meanwhile, in recent months, some of the sites I’ve previously highlighted have subsequently either moved or ceased to be:
- Barry’s Arts Blog and Update, the home of Barry Hessenius’s invaluable weekly rants, is now known simply as Barry’s Blog and has a new URL and feed.
- New Music Strategies, originally an e-book of sorts, has died and come back to life several times and most recently transformed into…well, I’m not sure what exactly, but they are telling us to stay tuned.
- Mark Robinson’s engaging Arts Counselling blog appears to be no more now that its author has left his post at Arts Council England (sounds like he was laid off as a result of a restructuring, poor guy). If you’d like to keep following his exploits, he will be writing a blog for his consulting shop, Thinking Practice.
- When Grantmakers in the Arts redesigned its website this past winter, that meant the integration of Janet Brown’s and Tommer Peterson’s blogs and new URLs and feeds for both. Janet’s blog is still called Better Together and you can subscribe to it here. Tommer’s blog is now simply called GIA News and the link to subscribe is here.
- The ever-nomadic Scott Walters has abandoned the >100k Project site in favor of the CRADLE Arts blog (better known as Rocking the Cradle), whose feed is here. The sidebar has been updated accordingly.
- Thanks to the magic of Google Reader, I found the link for Deceptively Simple’s feed (this is how I found Rocking the Cradle’s as well). If you’ve come across a blog you want to subscribe to but don’t see a link, just click “Add Subscription” in Google Reader and search on the name. Likely as not you’ll find it.
- As it’s now been over a year since Paul Brest last posted at the Huffington Post, I think it’s safe to assume that that blog is not coming back anytime soon. Similarly, PhilanthroMedia ceased to exist last summer. I’ve removed both from the link list.
OK, and now for the new crop!
Actually Giving and Pam Klainer’s Day
Previously discussed here on Createquity, these two blogs are full of reflections on personal giving and generosity. Brigid Slipka, a fellow Yale SOM alum, writes about her journey to find the right reasons for altruism, typified most recently in her 40 Days of Giving generosity experiment. Pam Klainer, my aunt, writes what is really a personal journal that nevertheless contains many nuggets of wisdom on philanthropy, class, and cultural anthropology driven by her experiences in Panama. Both blogs are well-written and well worth the time.
The Communications Network blog
The aforementioned PhilanthroMedia’s Susan Herr has joined forces with the formidable Bruce Trachtenburg at this philanthropy consulting practice’s blog. The most recent piece, which discusses the political ramifications of three foundations’ very active role in reshaping an economically devastated city of Detroit, is a good example of why the blog is worth reading.
The Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship Blog
The Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship looks to be a relatively new organization that provides fellowships and training to entrepreneurs around the world for their creative entreprises. The blog feels like it is still finding its voice (the bloggers appear to be unrelated to each other except by common interest), but given the subject matter it may well be one to watch. What I’d love to see is some blog posts from the entrepreneurs themselves, perhaps translated if necessary.
Scott Walters is really blogging around these days. The verbally promiscuous and acronym-loving professor now writes at Theatre Ideas, CRADLE Arts, and has recently begun a new venture with fellow theater prof Tom Loughlin called Theatre Arts Curriculum Transformation (or TACT). Dedicated “to the assessment and re-imagining of theatre training and education at the college and university level,” TACT has already featured some great posts, like these two on why the current system for theater education stacks the deck in favor of children of economic privilege.