Only three this time, but I didn’t want to hold them up until I found another. If you know of a great arts policy, philanthropy, or other blog that isn’t already in my blogroll, do tell me about it!
Beth’s Blog
One of philanthropy’s most oft-cited bloggers, consultant Beth Kanter writes about the intersection between the nonprofit sector and social media. Though her blog is ecumenical when it comes to cause or topic area, Kanter has a background as a classical flautist, arts administrator, and consultant to arts agencies including the NEA and NYFA, so she definitely “gets it” when it comes to the arts. Oh, and the social media coverage is pretty great too.
Philanthropy 411
Another philanthropy consultant, Kris Putnam-Walkerly of Putnam Community Investment Consulting, has been blogging since February at Philanthropy 411. Kris’s posts are a bit few and far between, but they’re usually worth the wait. Her most recent effort involved collecting a list of 90 Foundations that Tweet (a list bolstered considerably in the comments to that post).
Real Clear Arts
I’m assuming this title is a takeoff on the political website Real Clear Politics, but I could be wrong. In any case, Real Clear Arts is the work of Judith H. Dobrzynski, an independent journalist and former staff reporter for the New York Times. Another province in the ArtsJournal empire, RCA has good coverage of arts policy at the federal level as well as topics in arts management and the business of the arts.