Via PhilanTopic, the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC is running a series this month called “30 Issues in 30 Days,” looking at how Obama and McCain stack up on various questions of the day. Every Friday, one of the issues is given its own Wiki page so that show listeners (or, really, anyone) can collaborate with one another and actually help shape the direction of the show. As the website states:
Each Friday throughout the series, we’re doing a “30 Issues Wiki.” For these six segments, we’ve created an easily edited page where you can collaborate with others to help produce the segment. On this page you’ll be able to suggest angles; do research; write copy and questions; suggest guests; and suggest audio to be included in the on-air segment. In other words, you’ll do everything a normal Brian Lehrer Show producer does every day.
Well, lo and behold, this upcoming Friday’s segment is about arts and culture funding! So, who wants to be famous? Supposedly, the producers will credit signed contributions on the air. Right now, the Arts and Culture wiki is looking a little bedraggled compared to its predecessors, particularly this extensive one on healthcare complete with lively discussion. I added a few items and hope to contribute more as the week goes on, but it would be great to get some participation from actual artists in this process. Hey, you could finally tell everyone that you were on the radio!